The work plan is divided into several work packages - project management, market analysis and product business cases and selection, 3 technical work packages and validation/testing of the obtained products (including stop/go criteria).

Project management (WP 0) will be carried out by Elos Medtech, who is also responsible for market analysis and definition of product business cases (WP1). The purpose of WP2 is to identify the optimal thermochemical surface treatment of various titanium alloys and products with focus on the white appearance. The products produced in WP2 will be tested and characterized in WP5 and there will also be a dependency between WP2 and WP3 where the use of PVD processes for e.g. duplex treatment and selective masking, prior to thermochemical treatment, are carried out. WP 4 concerns post stabilization and added functionality of the white layer formed; there will be continued iterations and strong interrelation between WP4, WP2 and WP3.